The Witcher Thronebreaker – Basics and Latest Releases

Featured image The Witcher Thronebreaker Basics and Latest Releases - The Witcher Thronebreaker - Basics and Latest Releases

Whether you have read the books or only played the games, The Witcher is a compelling franchise filled with elements we all love to enjoy in videogames. The setting is incredible, and the gameplay always surprises us with new weaponry and features to make the experience more entertaining.

The Witcher Thronebreaker is the latest release within this franchise, developed for several consoles including the XBOX One and PS4.

It was developed by the same people that brought us Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, with a plot that revolves around a combat veteran and queen named Mave. She will be forced by invaders to go to war again to get revenge.

Brand New Epic Tale

The Thronebreaker comes with 20 possible endings, multidimensional characters to play with and against, a myriad of quests, and over 100 battle cards to be played over 30 hours. You will be forced to face the consequences of your decisions throughout the game, such as the effect of a lost battle on your army’s morale.

During your adventures in this world, you will be able to explore new lands and get to meet new monsters that will challenge your playing skills. You can, of course, engage in quests to find treasures and resources.

If there is one thing this franchise’s games never miss is giving players a great many options of things to do.

The Warlord in You

Bringing out the warlord within you is something that The Thronebreaker will do very well, as you have to create your battle camp, train your units, and devise your strategy. You are also responsible for recruiting new people and managing the resources you all need effectively.

In addition to the regular quests and incredible epic battles, you will get to use your intelligence to solve puzzles and face other types of challenges.

Some Characters

The main character we need to talk about is Queen Meve of Lyria and Rivia, who relies on her great intuition and the love her people have for her, for making tough choices. Another important character you will meet is Reynard Odo, who is Meve’s advisor and husband because he was the previous king’s right-hand and knows the comings and goings well.

Extra Goodies

As if the game’s quality and innovation weren’t enough, depending on what console you buy it for, you will also receive extra goodies without additional charges. You might get the Official Soundtrack, a pack of concept arts, or a graphic novel of The Witcher called “Fox Children”.

The Witcher Thronebreaker has fulfilled and surpassed expectations with everything from the gameplay and scenarios, to the characters and extra goodies you can get.

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